Hearthfire 1.0 Update
Here it is! The final update! After everything Chris has been through, he finally heads home.
I wanted to thank everyone who gave this VN a chance, whether you were with us from the start or only just heard about Hearthfire! Without your support (and especially Patrons!) this story wouldn't have been possible.
I really hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. It's my first original story, so I was always nervous about presenting it to the public. Though, the positive reception has certainly dashed those fears away!
Again, thank you so much for your support, from everyone on the Hearthfire team.
As for what's on the horizon?
You can look forward to another Hearthfire Tales short story on our Patreon soon! Also, we're going to have a summer special VN in the coming months! This takes place weeks after the events of the final chapter; this way, people who wanted more time with Chris and Ton together get a little extra treat.
Get Hearthfire
A furry visual novel set in the snow-covered Yukon where a lost otter finds himself trying to get home.
More posts
- Summer Special Update!86 days ago
- Hearthfire Tales: Flatline (Part Two)Nov 09, 2024
- Epilogue Darryl Sprite UpdateSep 30, 2024
- Hearthfire Tales: Flatline (Part One)Sep 21, 2024
- Hearthfire Tales: MemoryJul 04, 2024
- Summer Special Sprite UpdateJun 25, 2024
- Build 1.0 Patreon ReleaseMay 03, 2024
- Hearthfire Tales: TouchdownApr 02, 2024
- Build 0.12.1 Public ReleaseMar 01, 2024
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I'm resuming from Ton father meeting, few builds behind, lets see what wonder we have here! :3
Hrm... Smart and sensible. Old doesn't mean stupid. Aww!!! Oph..., but hard not to act hat way. Guilty, remorse, humility... so much seems to missing from people these days, to remind us we are all only human... When things heat up best to cool them down. Finally getting somewhere beyond the iceberg! Sometimes best to cut to the point, but know you may not have the solution. Honestly I feel the exact same about my parents, my efforts to do anything are shot down or discouraged. He did what he felt was needed and he did not push it further, now its up to Dad. Danger!? Nah! X3 HAH!!! XD Oh this ol Fox is rich and sharp! XD ROFLMAO!!! I CAN'T BREATHE!!!
Its nice to rational about how things have gone, are going, and might go. Hey! otters are known for being slippery! XD Owch but kind of deserved and return fire! X3 Oph, but not everything can be freely given, got to slowly earn it, and he has been! Sigh, slippery can mean careless! Aww! He needed a little vacation, not needle lil! XD HIM! :D *sigh* people and their assumptions because they don't know the whole story..., but when the truth hurts equally... Hey that sounds like it also helps from having to make sprites and name for the guy! X3 Harsh trying to link two things with no real proof, but can blame him? Such is panic and desperation as wrong as it may be. Hehehe, I like his belly too! Very sweet, but also bitter...
Hehe! Mmm... one difference here though is I'm guilty and too used to being lazy, I cannot pin it all on others..., yet they are the reasons I struggle to break myself free. Murr... B E A U Tiful! Damn to be pinned like that, so naturally... <3 Can't breathe for totally different reasons! This.. this is sort of what I am trapped in... something like this is not something I have ever experienced first hand... and somehting like this, I cry... for many reasons... Belleh! <3 I... I must go for it... these moments are what I am all about and for... mmm...
Reality, it always sets in, always needs to be taken seriously, even as its harsh. Not quite the same but I lost my grandmother recently and grandfather year before, so I know how this feels. Whoops! Was that a punch or dead line? XD PUNS! <3 Oh gawd... really? XD Flowers? Hrm...
HAHA his face! XD Aww... that is very sweet! Careful with that phrase, someone just might take you up on the offer! XD murr... Ooohhh!!! Perfect! WinWIn! Wait WHAT!?! It is always easier to fix damages in a smaller town, but time is still a factor... we are dealing with a situation that affects a scare few, not thousands. Damn girl hehe! Double no Thrice damn! XD
WOAH!!! Careful you ARE NOT a CAT! NOT A CAT! XD Can this get any worse? XD God! WOW! Nope this not an iseka! SALMON! <3 Aww *sniff* Too be frank as much as I love it, I'm not going to want to eat it for every meal! X3
No matter where we go memories good or bad remain, as do the people rotate in and out or around and back in our lives. I knew it! <3 Confronting reality again, being rational and sincere. HAH! Some thing never do change, sometimes its a good thing. BURGER! <3 Must have K! HAHAHA! HHHAAAHHH!!! As horrible as it is, the reaction is priceless and perfect! Who wouldn't react like that to such near gone instances? Nice.
Ugg... yep that is pretty much my problem, I'm still treated as only a kid, doesn't matter what I say or do or whom I have to help me, but instead of being treated as a disappointment, I feel like the disappointment. And that reason I can't break just yet, I need prospects first! *Sigh* I'm getting there though! Siblings! X3
Hrm... OMG! I mean that is how I give hugs too, but like I'm weak! XD Ah darn might have been fun to see what he Guy looked like..., not important enough I take it! When we talk about rainbows, its not an object, its not a person, its not a feeling, its a mix that is affixed to another, and affixed right on back, it is a feeling back and forth from one to another, something intangible, but should be able to be seen, but never use it to be put on display, use it only for sincerity, it it not something hide behind, it is not something to be, it is something that is just to be, nothing more nothing less. Oh that is perfect! Brilliant!
Genuine, heartfelt, this what makes life worth living! This is what we need to be aiming for. Yes I am crying again. Whenever I do get away from myself as am now, my thanks to you all will then be truly sincere.
Fnishing a project is rare and this turned out fantastic 👌
I loved this novel so much! Beautifully drawn characters and the story line was good! Though to be honest, some part of me kind of wanted to get back together with Darryl and become healthy with him..
Beautiful :')
Thank you very much for this :'3
Thank you for reading it!
A bit disappointed with the end...
It felt like a swift run comparing to the rest of the story, which is awesome. The rest was so emotional and the end tasted a little bland....
I'm happy that they ended together, but I was really expecting more after having been brought to tears in the previous update.
Sorry but I'm just being as honest as possible.
I'm sorry to hear that the ending didn't hold up to the rest of the story for you.
Out of curiosity, what was the "more" you were expecting? Was there a different narrative or sequence of events you wanted to see?
I can't explain properly what I would like to see. It just felt it lacked feelings, emotions, and we got to see a closure for Chris and Tonraq and for Lilly and Hallie but the destiny of all others was a bit lost. The relation of Tonraq with Kuak, Yuka and Philip, I feel it lacked a more detailed story to tell about all characters, after all they all took part in Chris's journey.
But nonethelesss, it was a great novel that trapped me from beginning to end. Thank you for creating such a beautiful story.
Hm, yeah! I can see where you're coming from. The final chapter was a slow-coast epilogue where we focused on Chris tying up the ends of his issues at home. There wasn't a lot of room to elaborate beyond his life, partly due to the restraints of the first-person narrative.
However! You'll be happy to know we're working on a Summer episode VN! Hopefully, the extra story should help soothe that "rushed" feeling.
I'll be eagerly waiting for it!!! 🥰
Yeah. No doubt the best VN I have ever played, it was a great trip
Woof, best VN? That's some high praise!~